Mrs Samantha Stephenson, Spottles Orchard, Norwood Hill Road, Charlwood, Surrey, RH6 0ED
M: 07515 832722
H: 01293 862172
Steve Scott E:
The Show Organiser, Mrs Samantha Stephenson
Mrs Emma Wright
Falthwaite Grange, Falthwaite Green Lane, Hood Green, Barnsley, S75 3HL.
M: 07703 319657 (no calls after 9pm please)
Mrs Sue Pashen
T: 07831 462862 (NO CALLS AFTER 8 PM PLEASE)
Show Organiser: 07515 832722
Chief Steward: 07831 462862
Vets: TBC
The National Side Saddle Show Group (NSSSG) is unable to give specific recommendation to any commercial concern, and can accept no responsibility for any commercial arrangements entered into and does not operate any social media sites including, but not restricted to, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus or YouTube, etc. and any information that may be shared on these sites does not represent the views of The National Side Saddle Show Group.
Use of Social Media - The NSSSG Social Media Policy (21.10.2016)
1. Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites of a similar nature are popular with Competitors, Judges, Instructors, Show Visitors, etc., for communicating and sharing information and pictures.
2. Inappropriate and offensive comments of any nature will not be tolerated under any circumstances – this includes remarks about the NSSSG.
3. Any person found to be making such remarks in a related group will be removed from the group without explanation.
4. Inappropriate images of Competitors and Show Attendees must not be posted, in the interest of fairness and to prevent miscommunication.
5. No alias or pseudonym may be used to circumnavigate this use of social media statement.
Copyright ® 2016-21 The National Side Saddle Show Group |